Wendeltreppe im Eingangsbereich


Investment policy

Policy for capital investment with investment funds. Required content is regulated in Section 162 f of the German Investment Code (KAGB). The investment policy and … “Investment policy”


An investor purchases financial products of all kinds, including securities, properties and precious metals, for the purpose of increasing wealth over the long term. We … “Investor”

IRR method

The internal rate of return (IRR) method is a process of dynamic capital budgeting and therefore supports evaluation and comparison of different investment alternatives. It’s … “IRR method”

Issuing premium

Agio or surcharge on the nominal value (100%) for trading in securities and dealings in foreign exchange, notes and coins, and credit business. The agio … “Issuing premium”

Issuing prospectus

Sales prospectus with key data and contracts for the closed-end alternative investment fund. Project components include a description of the economic, tax and legal concepts, … “Issuing prospectus”