Automobilzentrale Rhein-Main - Eingangsbereich mit Empfangstresen

Automobilzentrale Rhein-Main

Total lettable area

11.064 m²

Type of use

Office, Mixed use


Automobilzentrale Rhein-Main

Completed in March 2011, the object has an H-shaped floor plan, five full floors plus a technical/warehouse floor and an employee lounge on the ground floor. The approximately 11.064 m² of total lettable space includes offices as well as storage, technical and other areas. In addition, there are 300 parking spaces in the multi-storey car park and 224 outside parking spaces. The building was designed as a green building. As a key element, a geothermal energy recovery system is an integral component for heating and cooling, which is carried out via energy floors in the building.

The object is located in the south-east of Weiterstadt, adjacent to the Autobahn 5, which is a main north-south traffic axis in Germany.

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fvmb_prb_asset_table__brief_abstract_asset_manager Paribus Immobilien Assetmanagement GmbH


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fvmb_prb_asset_table__real_estate_data_type Office building and multi-storey car park
fvmb_prb_asset_table__real_estate_data_location Max-Planck-Strasse 3–5, 64331 Weiterstadt
fvmb_prb_asset_table__real_estate_data_year 2011
fvmb_prb_asset_table__real_estate_data_land_area Around 13.247 m²
fvmb_prb_asset_table__real_estate_data_total_rental_space Building with around 11.064 m² lettable area
300 car parking spaces (multi-storey car park)
224 car parking spaces (outside)
fvmb_prb_asset_table__real_estate_data_tenant ŠKODA AUTO Deutschland GmbH
SEAT Deutschland GmbH


Automobilzentrale Rhein-Main - exterior view of the building sideways
Automobilzentrale Rhein-Main - exterior view of part of the building
Automobilzentrale Rhein-Main - entrance area
Automobilzentrale Rhein-Main - exterior view with entrances and steles


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Thomas Böcher, Managing Director of Paribus Holding, Paribus Immobilien Assetmanagement and Paribus Invest
Thomas Böcher

Managing Director

  • Paribus Holding GmbH & Co. KG
Caroline Meeder, Managing Director of Paribus Holding GmbH & Co. KG
Caroline Meeder

Managing Director | In-house Counsel

  • Paribus Immobilien Assetmanagement GmbH
+49 40 8888 00 6-138
Martin Rolle, Managing Director of Paribus Immobilien Assetmanagement GmbH
Martin Rolle

Managing Director

  • Paribus Immobilien Assetmanagement GmbH